Hon. Shri Hrithik Ji Roshan

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Hon. Shri Hrithik Ji Roshan

Known as the ‘most handsome man’ in the world, Hrithik has 28.4 million followers on Twitter. He is one of the most popular Bollywood celebrities of all time and is acclaimed as an awesome dancer as well. As a child Hrithik faced severe stuttering issues. He had to live with his mates talk fluently around him, while he had to compose himself with an almighty strength to utter syllables. For a kid who finds expressing through words as his worst nightmare, it is a heart breaking experience.

He has 31.5 millions followers on Instagram with million plus likes on each post. His fans following make him in a top 10 most following celebrity on Instagram. We usually notice that his looks and post most liked by his fans than other celebrity. His post for nation are much talked point in the industry. He literally put out his heart on social media as he got emotional while penning down his take on love. His is one of the inspiring personality of industry. He well known not only in India but also in Hollywood for his looks and hardwork.
