The film-maker Dibakar Banerjee says, Arjun Kapoor was excited to be the part of Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar (SAPF). He wanted to give an appropriate reply to his naysayers. The producer and the director of this edge of the seat thriller believe that his exemplary work in the film will speak for itself.
Dibakar says, I could immediately arrive when Arjun came to meet me about Pinky. His character’s name is SAPF and was hungry. He wanted to find new dimensions in his work. He wanted to prove the naysayers wrong. He wanted to disperse all the criticism in Bollytown through his action. This is the reason, he went with hungry.
He adds, it’s the hungry that will end up changing things. Arjun changed himself for this. It is the dialect training. The workshop was held in Delhi and Haryana continuously eighteen hour in a day. The endless rehearsals and discussions were held around the script with me and my researchers and creative team. We saw the change. Everyone will see it on the 19th.
The movie Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar is a raw and edgy suspense thriller. That will trench Arjun versus Parineeti Chopra. It is set to be released on March 19 and is being dispensed worldwide by Yash Raj Films.
Image Credit : NewsBox9.Com
Also Read : Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra Starrer Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar, Second Trailer Released on March 9