The actor known for his excellence talent of acting and smart looks. Ajay Devgan and V. Venkata Ramana Reddy aka Dil Raju are working for the first time on Hindi remake of Tamil superhit movie ‘Nandhi’. A film released on 19 feb 2021, based on the life of Surya Prakash (Naresh), an under trial prisoner who is falsely accused of murder, awaiting judgement. A movie got a very positive review.
The two hard-working actors and producers obtained the rights of the Tamil hit Nandhi. However, the makers of the film only illuminate the remake of the Tamil, rest starcasts, direction are still not decided.
Both of them shares that it will a nice experience to working with together, Well Ajay and Venkata lots of luck, the your audience and your fans are waiting for this project.
The actors also share that the name of starcast, title, director name and release date will reveal very soon, Well guys wait for the coming hit.