Ranbir Kapoor has rolled into a curious nosy cupid in the newest advertisement for Asian Paint Ultimate Protek. He will be seen playing double role in latest ad, for first time. He is not only performing a role of snoopy matchmaker but also playing a role of two different identities.
In the advertisement, Ranbir Kapoor is seen as old aged agent lifting a young lady. He is helping that lady to search and meet her future bridegroom. She also asks him about various houses that are full covered with adhesive plastic. The women eventually come in front of the Ranbir’s house where he is actually performing his act. The house is uncovered and is not laminated with any substitute of plastic. The agent Ranbir Kapoor plays a role of marriage broker and he also finalize the lady alliances boyish Ranbir as per the prediction by seeing the beauty of a house.
Ranbir Kapoor’s matchmaker has discovered lamination wala exterior paint as our house should deserve the best paint which perfectly match with is made in heaven.Ranbir presenting Asian Paints with Ultimate Protek.Further,he also adds keep your house protected at least for 10 years with lamination guard.
Ab baarish, dhool, dhoop KO aane do!