The Bollywood celebrities have started work after a long break of pandemic. All sets have now been opened for shoot. And from the recent sources we have found out that Arjun Rampal is now in Covid quarantine. However the reason behind what happened is that Arjun Rampal was shooting for Nail Polish with his co-stars Manav Kaul and Anand Tiwari and both of them tested Covid positive recently. So the team has now decided to stop the shoot of Nail Polish immediately. From all this incident today Arjun shared his selfie on social media and informed his friends and fans, “Bummer quarantined at home. As #ManavKaul and #AnandTewari tested positive for Covid on sets of #Nailpolish yesterday. Production has stopped shoot immediately and everyone’s been retested. I am quarantined at home awaiting my results. Staying away from everyone. Get well soon boys,” he said.
Well, we wish for Arjun and his team to come back soon healthy and wealthy on set.
Credits- Page 3 Digital
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